Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy Harmful to Children
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Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy Harmful to Children

The Administration’s zero tolerance immigration policy is harmful and traumatizing to children. Forcibly separating children from their parents poses serious threats to their long-term mental health and well-being, including increased risk of depression, anxiety, PTSD and other mental illnesses. Girls Inc. joins 14 of the nation’s largest social service organizations and concerned citizens everywhere to end this unjust and inhumane policy, reunite families currently separated, and ensure the health and safety of the thousands of children who need our protection.

Below is a joint statement we’ve signed onto that reflects our belief that we must prioritize the well-being of all young people.

Separating immigrant children from their parents when they come to the border should never be a part of American policy. On behalf of the human services sector, representing more than five million staff and volunteers, we call on the Trump Administration to immediately stop this wrong and immoral policy, that has resulted in more than 2000 children being needlessly separated from their parents while their parents are being processed at our borders…

Read the full statement.